
You have cancer! Really?

Many patients who hear from their doctor they have cancer, feel trapped. Speechlessness, frightening, often panic. The doctor reassured. Often the tumor is located in a benign stage. In a variety of cancer diagnoses cancer is harmless. The...

Hyper accurate: pdd

Medicine today has several methods for the diagnosis of cancer. However, imaging, endoscopy and laboratory tests are not sufficient to assess the spread of tumor cells in the body and to locate these cells exactly. This gap is filled by photody...

Dear Michael Douglas

Since 2011 you have lived without cancer: we are glad to hear this. How the larynx cancer might have developed, a British journalist asked you recently. If your wild years triggered the larynx cancer: drugs, smoking, alcohol? That was the ...

Caries, periodontitis, cancer

“Please open your mouth!” the dentist says. Their well-trained eye does not only detect caries and periodontitis at the teeth, but also abnormal cell proliferation in the oral cavity and pharynx. And then there is for example this r...

Simple. Ingenious: PDT-plaster

  How can we treat white skin cancer in the sensitive area of the face? “Newly, with a plaster”, says Prof. Dr. Uwe Reinhold from Bonn. The first self-adhesive PDT-plaster contains the active agent 5-aminolevulin acid in cryst...

Amsterdam Experiences

Dr. Baris Karakullukcu is an otolaryngologist with further specialization on head and neck oncology and surgery, working at the Netherlands Cancer Institute/ Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam. He is working extensively on photodynamic the...

Tongue amputated

Shortly before Christmas 2011, the largest German daily tabloid BILD wrote about popular German actor Claus Biederstaedt (83): "Tongue amputated, cancer cured." An amputation is a high price to pay for a cure. The loss of a part of t...

Vaccine against Cancer?

Oncologist M.D. Winrich Rauschning says on the occasion of the World Cancer Day 2012: “We are on track here: Research in molecular biology reveals the mechanisms of carcinogenesis. That resulted in the idea to influence specific metabolic pr...

The Emperor of All Maladies

A Biography of Cancer The Emperor of All Maladies is a magnificent, profoundly humane “biography” of cancer—from its first documented appearances thousands of years ago through the epic battles in the twentieth century to cur...

The Inner Doctor

Many patients are conviced that their healing requires two doctors: The oncologist providing medical competency with certain theurapeutic options - and the inner doctor activating the healing powers of the patient: Faith, will, psyche, power, fitn...

Sigmund Freud

In 1923, the doctors diagnosed cancer in Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939), the founder of psychoanalysis, a carcinoma in his palatine which made numerous operations necessary in the following years. After having received the diagnosis, the ex...

  • You have cancer! Really?

    Many patients who hear from their doctor they have cancer, feel trapped. Speechlessness,...

  • Hyper accurate: pdd

    Medicine today has several methods for the diagnosis of cancer. However, imaging, endoscopy...

  • Dear Michael Douglas

    Since 2011 you have lived without cancer: we are glad to hear this. How the larynx...

  • Caries, periodontitis, cancer

    “Please open your mouth!” the dentist says. Their well-trained eye does not only...

  • Simple. Ingenious: PDT-plaster

      How can we treat white skin cancer in the sensitive area of the face? “Newly,...

  • Amsterdam Experiences

    Dr. Baris Karakullukcu is an otolaryngologist with further specialization on head and neck...

  • Tongue amputated

    Shortly before Christmas 2011, the largest German daily tabloid BILD wrote about popular German...

  • Vaccine against Cancer?

    Oncologist M.D. Winrich Rauschning says on the occasion of the World Cancer Day 2012: “We...

  • The Emperor of All Maladies

    A Biography of Cancer The Emperor of All Maladies is a magnificent, profoundly humane...

  • The Inner Doctor

    Many patients are conviced that their healing requires two doctors: The oncologist providing...

  • Sigmund Freud

    In 1923, the doctors diagnosed cancer in Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939), the founder of...

Photodynamisch gegen Prostatakrebs

In der Martini-Klinik am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) sind die ersten Prostatakrebspatienten mit der sogenannten fokalen photodynamischen Therapie erfolgreich behandelt worden. Die Behandlung richtet sich an Patienten mit nur geringem Risiko für einen schnell wachsenden Prostatakrebs. In einer europaweiten Phase-3-Studie, bei der die Martini-Klinik eines von neun Studienzentren in Deutschland bildet, wird die fokale Therapie auf ihre Wirksamkeit geprüft. Bis zum kommenden Frühjahr sollen 30 bis 50 Patienten in der Martini-Klinik behandelt werden.

"Erste Ergebnisse sind vielversprechend. Die Wirksamkeit des Verfahrens muss jedoch noch mit den etablierten Behandlungsmethoden, insbesondere der nerverhaltenden operativen Prostataentfernung, verglichen werden", sagt Priv.-Doz. Dr. Georg Salomon, leitender Arzt der Martini-Klinik. Unter Leitung von Dr. Salomon und Dr. Jonas Schiffmann wurden die ersten fokalen Therapien bei sehr früh erkannten und langsam wachsenden Prostatakarzinomen durchgeführt.

Die fokale Therapie beruht im Gegensatz zu den anderen etablierten Verfahren auf einer Teilbehandlung der Prostata: Eine photoaktive Substanz wird intravenös verabreicht und unter Anwendung eines Laserlichtes nur an dem zu behandelnden Areal aktiviert. Dort kommt es aufgrund physikalisch-biologischer Prozesse zu einem Gewebeuntergang und der gewünschten Tumorzerstörung. Durch die gezielte Behandlung bleibt die Prostata im Ganzen weitgehend erhalten, Harnröhre und Gefäßnervenbündel werden nicht geschädigt.

Das Verfahren richtet sich an eine ausgewählte Patientengruppe mit einer sehr niedrigen Tumorlast. Von den früh entdeckten Tumoren kommen hierfür etwa zehn Prozent in Frage.

Erste Ergebnisse hatten gezeigt, dass bei über 80 Prozent der auf diese Weise behandelten Patienten innerhalb eines Jahres die Kontrollgewebeentnahmen in dem therapierten Areal keine Tumorzellen mehr nachweisen - ein Indiz für die Experten, dass die Tumoraktivität dort zum Stillstand gekommen ist.

Bei Interesse an der Teilnahme dieser Behandlungsform wenden Sie sich bitte telefonisch an Frau Beinkaempen unter +49 (0)40 7410-51300 oder per E-Mail an: fokale-therapie(at)
